Why are we doing this?
Prayer is powerful! Prayer aligns our hearts with God’s heart, and prayer allows us to see as God sees. Prayer is both speaking our heart to God and listening for His heart. As we walk the block around Hope City and pray, we want to gain God’s heart for our neighbors, and gain God’s vision for the people who live in this neighborhood.
What to pay attention to:
As you walk and pray, pay attention to what you see. Look at the houses you’re passing. Imagine who lives there. Imagine the story of their life. As you pass the school, envision the classrooms, the teachers, the students, the families of each student. What weight are they carrying throughout the day? What questions might they have about God and about life? If you see someone while you’re walking, smile, say hi, introduce yourself.
As we walk the street, we see the people God has called us to serve in new ways. And we will pray for them more specifically, more powerfully, and more fervently. Listen to what God is showing you and speaking to you as you walk and pray for our city.

Pick 1-2 prompts to pay attention to and pray for each time you do a prayer walk.
On this route, you will pass by 114 homes. As you pass each home, don’t be afraid to pray for those who live there. Pray for their health, their fears, their finances. Pray for their family, their relationships, their hearts. You can pray without knowing their names. Begin to imagine who lives in the home, what their life might be like. Let that guide your prayers. And if you happen to see someone outside, smile. Say hi. Even introduce yourself and get to know them. This will help you know how to pray in the future.
You will pass by two churches along this route. The Romanian Baptist Church is on Stanley and The United Church of Christ can be seen from the corner of Logus and 49th. Pray for the gospel to be preached. Pray for the pastors and leaders in these congregations. Pray for unity in the body of Christ across the city.
About half way through your walk, you will pass Seth Lewelling Elementary School. As you pass by the school, pray for the students who attend there. Pray for their families, the needs you might imagine families have. Pray for the teachers, administrators, and other staff at the school.
On King road, there is an assisted living facility you will pass called Royalton Place. Pray for those living in this facility. Pray they would know God’s purpose for their lives and pray for their family members. Pray for the staff to be refreshed and renewed.
You won't pass the Wichita Center, but they are just down the street. Pray for their capacity to serve our neighbors, that their resources would be replenished and stretch further than they imagined. Pray for their staff and volunteers.
Our Church
Pray that we as a church, would be aware of the needs of our neighbors. Ask God to grow our hearts for the people around us. Pray for us to partner with what the Holy Spirit is already doing in our city. Pray for God to do on Earth, around this block and in this neighborhood, as it is in heaven. And as you pray, offer your life as a living sacrifice, completely surrendered to Him.
Participating Churches
We are not the only church in our city intentionally committing to pray for and serve the city. The following churches are making similar efforts to adopt a block and pray for homes, schools, churches, and the kingdom of heaven to come to Earth.
- Sunnyside Foursquare Church - Happy Valley
- Hillside Christian Church - SE Portland, Damascus, Gladstone campuses
- Life Journey Church - Oak Grove
- Beautiful Savior Lutheran - Happy Valley