Our Church - Part 1
Our Church - Part 1
The legacy of our church is a beautiful one that God has been building upon for generations. Currently, our church meets in five locations across our city, and these “campuses” represent over 540 years of people on mission to know, love and follow Jesus. Each of these campuses are places filled with life, in all the messiest and best ways, and each opens their doors wide to welcome in people wherever they are on their faith journey.
Some of these campuses are the product of churches that have joined to be Better Together, and our entire church exists because we believe that God is able to do abundantly more than we can ask or imagine as we place our faith in Him to serve Him together.
We call our churches by their heritage names, and while we are praying about a new legal name that best describes our One Church, the legal name is under the heading of Willamette Christian (It’s a bit confusing because we have a campus called Willamette, too. We’ll get that figured out soon). No one campus is any more important than the other, and we all work together to serve Jesus together.
All City Church (ACC) exists in SE Portland at the base of Mt. Tabor. this faithful congregation that is over 100 years old received new vitality in 2020 when they invited church planter Joe Gruber and his team to bring new leadership and life to their church family. Known for their radical hospitality (they serve a pancake breakfast EVERY Sunday before service), All City joined with us on mission in January 2025.
Beaverton Christian Church (BCC) celebrates its 100th birthday this year! For generations, this church family has served Beaverton with generosity and with over 26 languages spoken by members of BCC, it is a vibrant and active church that is reaching far and wide to share God’s love. 2017 marked the year of joining together.
Hope City Church (HCC) is a beautiful combination of two churches – Milwaukie Christian formed in 1940 and Hope City formed in 2010. We joined together with in 2019 and continue to witness incredible stories of life transformation through the ministry and people of Hope City, located in the heart of Milwaukie.
New Hope Church (NHC) includes a rich heritage of Mt. Scott Church of God (formed in 1926) joining with New Hope in 2021. They are a faithful and hard working community of Jesus followers who pioneer new ways to serve their community. Our merge together was complete in 2024 and their impact is throughout all of our ministry.
The Willamette Christian Church (WCC) campus is a community of faith filled with people from West Linn and the surrounding communities of Oregon City, Wilsonville, Tualatin and others. It began in 1957 and was the inspiration back in 2017 behind the Better Together model. While the names might be confusing, WCC is a campus filled with faithful and humble folks who welcome new folks and serve the needs of young and old alike.
Take a look below at the beautiful picture of over 540 years of church history that makes up our church. We stand on the shoulders of generations of faithful people, and it’s beautiful to be that church together in 2025.