Life Changing Question - Rebekah Clark

10 years ago I was asked a question. Would you be willing to help with the youth group? I had helped in many different areas in the church but mostly volunteered in the children’s ministry. Middle schoolers and high schoolers terrified me. When I attended bible college I was one of the few people who didn’t serve in the youth group. Children and college age were ok, but middle schoolers and high schoolers scared me. 

However, something in me told me that I should do it. I had been looking for a way to serve in ministry, and they needed volunteers. I decided to follow that gut feeling even though I felt like running. God changed my life that day. I never realized how much I would learn from all the middle schoolers and high schoolers over the years. They showed me their resilience, their pain, and their hope. I saw their goofiness and their vulnerability. I was there to spend time with them and walk alongside them. We were there to help them see their purpose through Jesus, but they also helped and continue to help me see my purpose.

I am so thankful that I listened to what God was pushing me towards. It may be easier to sit on the sidelines or even stick with what you know, but some of the most beautiful moments are when you get up and follow where God is leading you. He knows what’s best for your life. I encourage you to follow that feeling. You never know what God may have in store for you, but it may just be worth it.

Proverbs 3:5-6 
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.


Rebekah Clark
Hope City Church | Volunteer