A note from Stephanie Rautio
When our first baby was three weeks old he got sick and needed a life saving surgery. Because of this surgery, our baby lived and thrived. We had very little money at the time and had to go on a payment plan of $25 a month, set for about 8 years. When he was about 3 years old we received a letter that our loan was forgiven and we didn’t owe anymore. Our debt was paid. It was unexpected. We didn’t ask for it or know how the decision was made. We didn’t do anything to deserve this forgiveness, except for making our payments regularly.
This last week we celebrated Easter, and I'm always reminded of that story this time of year. God gave His son, Jesus, and Jesus gave his life to forgive and cover my sins. I didn’t do anything except believe and follow Him. My debt was paid without me even asking for it.
Colossians 2:13-14 (ESV) says, "And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross."
This Sunday we have people who have made the decision to follow Christ and to be baptized as an outward expression of this choice. I am so excited to celebrate with them and this decision! We would like to invite anyone else who has also made this decision to be baptized to email russi@hopecitypdx.com if you are ready to take that step in your walk with Jesus, or if you would like more information for our next baptism Sunday.
There will be baptisms at the end of each service and if you find yourself ready during the message we will be inviting people to join the others being baptized that day. We will be prepared with extra towels and clothing for anyone who make this decision. So excited for Sunday! I'm looking forward to celebrating wither everyone!
Stephanie Rautio
Office Administrator | Hope City Church

Baptisms are taking place Sunday, April 16, during both services (9 & 10:45 AM). This is an amazing time of connection with community as everyone in the room gets to celebrate with those who have chosen to walk closer to Jesus. It is both a reminder to those of who have taken that step, and an encouragement to those who haven't - but it's always an amazing Sunday to be together. If you want more information about baptism, check out the link below.
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