
February 7, 2021 • Dr. Paul Alexander • I'm Not Okay

For the final message in our series on mental health, guest speaker Dr. Paul Alexander teaches on Depression.
Demystifying Depression: A Conversation with Dr. Paul Alexander

Dr. Paul Alexander, President of Hope International University and a trained counselor, sits down with Megan Lemmons for a discussion about depression and how we can help those in our lives who are experiencing it.

Sermon Notes - February 7, 2021
“I’m Not Okay”: Depression - Dr. Paul Alexander

Psalm 121 (paraphrase)
I will lift up my eyes to the mountains from where my help comes. My help comes from the Lord. He made heaven, he made the earth. He will not allow your foot to slip. Behold, he will help you. He will keep you. He will protect you from all evil.

Recovery for Depression has two parts - God’s part and Our part

God’s Part:

  1. He has given us Emmanuel (the knowledge that God is with us)
  2. He has given us the Holy Spirit
  3. He has given us His Word
  4. He has given us worship
  5. He has given us an invitation

Matthew 11:28
Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Our Part:
Step out of the cave and re-enter life. Take a risk, to take a step forward, to raise our hand and say “I need help”.