
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before You.

Psalm 89:14 (NASB)

Jesus commands us to love God by loving others, and loving others requires working for justice – seeking wholeness in our world for the flourishing of all creation.

Out of God's understanding of righteousness, mercy, and justice, we draw a brief definition of Biblical justice:

Biblical justice is the work of making individuals, communities, and our world whole, by supporting goodness and impartiality in efforts that reflect God’s original intention for all of creation to flourish.

Our pursuit of wholeness means looking at the many different ways brokenness manifests in our world. Below you'll find a message that explains our approach to biblical justice, as well as resources with more information about ways we're individually and collectively working to achieve it and how you can get involved.

Justice artwork
Exodus 23:9, Psalm 33:5, Psalm 89:14, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Matthew 5:23-24, Philippians 2:3-4

Daniel Knutson • January 16, 2022

Worlds We Create: Our words are powerful. Just as God spoke and the world was created, our words create the world around us, affecting relationships and our environment. As we start this New Year, we seek to understand powerful words in scripture that we are called on to live by to create a more Kingdom-minded world. In the final week of our series, we're looking at how one word can create opposing worlds.